Southern New England


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Towns of Southeastern Massacusetts

Town Founded Parent Town & Historical Information
Bristol County  
Acushnet 1860 Fairhaven
Attleborough 1694 Rehoboth
Berkley 1735 Taunton & Dighton
Dartmouth 1652 original town
Dighton 1712 Taunton
Easton 1725 Norton
Fairhaven 1812 New Bedford
Fall River 1803 part from Freetown; part from Tiverton RI; called Troy 1804-1834
Freetown 1683 original town
Mansfield 1770 Norton
New Bedford 1787 Dartmouth
North Attleborough 1887 Attleborough
Norton 1710 Taunton
Raynham 1731 Taunton
Rehoboth 1645 original town; formerly called Seacunk
Seekonk 1812 Rehoboth
Somerset 1790 Swansea
Swansea 1667 Rehoboth; called Wannamoisett until 1668
Taunton 1639 original town; formerly called Cohannet
Westport 1787 Dartmouth
Barnstable County  
Barnstable 1638 original town; includes Hyannis
Bourne 1884 Sandwich
Brewster 1803 Harwich
Chatham 1712 original town; originally called Manamoit Village
Dennis 1793 Yarmouth
Eastham 1646 original town; called Nawsett until 1651
Falmouth 1694 original town
Harwich 1694 original town; originally called Satuckett
Mashpee 1763 original town
Orleans 1797 Eastham
Provincetown 1727 original town; formerly precinct of Cape Cod
Truro 1709 original town; formerly Pawmett tract
Wellfleet 1763 Eastham
Yarmouth 1639 original town; formerly Mattacheeset
Plymouth County  
Abington 1712 Bridgewater
Bridgewater 1656 original town
Brockton 1821 Bridgewater; called North Bridgewater until 1874
Carver 1790 Plympton
Duxbury 1637 original town
East Bridgewater 1823 Bridgewater
Halifax 1734 Middleborough; Pembroke & Plympton
Hanover 1727 Abington & Scituate
Hanson 1820 Pembroke
Hingham 1635 original town; called Barecove until 1635
Hull 1644 original town
Kingston 1726 Plymouth
Lakeville 1853 Middleborough
Marion 1852 Rochester
Marshfield 1640 original town; formerly called Green's Harbour & Rexhame
Mattapoisett 1857 Rochester
Middleborough 1669 original town; formerly called Namassackett
Norwell 1849 Scituate; called South Scituate until 1907
Pembroke 1712 Duxbury
Plymouth 1620 original town
Plympton 1707 Plymouth
Rochester 1686 original town; also called Scippicam
Rockland 1874 Abington
Scituate 1633 original town
Wareham 1739 Rochester & Agawam plantation
West Bridgewater 1822 Bridgewater
Whitman 1875 Abington;E. Bridgewater & Plymouth; called South Abington until 1886
Dukes County (Martha's Vineyard)
Chilmark 1694 original town
Edgartown 1671 original town; formerly known as Great Harbour
Gay Head 1855 original town
Gosnold 1864 Chilmark
Oak Bluffs 1880 Edgartown; called Cottage City until 1907
Tisbury 1671 original town; formerly called Middletowne
West Tisbury 1892 Tisbury
Nantucket County  
Nantucket 1687 original town; called Sherburn until 1713; Tuckannock until 1795