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Rhode Island Naturalization Index 

Andrew- John C.

Arnold- Edward

Bagley- Peter, Peter F.

Bannan- Thomas F.

Barker- Harry

Benson- Patrick

Brennan- J.F., Michael J., Thomas

Brins- Joseph

Burdick- Clarke H., J. Norman

Burns- Charles W., John

Burrington- John C.

Cairus- Henry

Campbell- Frank A.

Canning- Peter

Carroll- Michael

Casey- John

Cavanagh- Edward, James, John, John A., Joseph P., Luke, Michael, Nicholas, Owen, Owen J., Patrick, Peter, Thomas, Thomas F., William

Cavanaugh- Edward, Henry, John C., Matthew, Michael, Patrick J.

Cavenagh- Charles

Claire- Michael

Clark- Peter F.

Clarke- John, John F.

Collins- Jeremiah A., John

Colton- John

Conlan- John

Conlin- Thomas

Conlon- Francis

Connolly- John, Patrick

Cook- John H.

Cooney- Patrick

Corcoran- James E.

Costello- Martin

Cronin- Timothy F.

Crowley- Jeremiah J.

Cummings- Patrick, Patrick F., Richard, Thomas, William

Cummins- Patrick

Curran- John D.

Curry- Patrick J.

Dailey- John

Danahy- Jeremiah

Davis- Robert

Devlin- Henry

Dillon- Francis J.

Dinheny- Patrick C.

Donahue- Cornelius

Doonan- James J.

Dorman- George

Doyle- John

Duffy- Edward C., James

Dwan- Patrick

Dwyer- William

Eagan- John

Fallon- James

Farrell- Michael

Feeley- John

Ferguson- John J., William

Finan- William N.

Finn- John H.

Fitzgerald- Patrick E.

Flemming- William

Flynn- Edward M., Patrick, Peter

Foley- John

French- Joseph

Gallagher- Andrew

Gillen- Patrick

Gorman- John

Greene- Numas

Grimes- John

Hahu- Isaac

Hanley- James A.

Haughey- Patrick

Hawes- James

Hayes- Daniel, James, James F., John, Michael, Michael A., Michel, Patrick, Patrick J., William

Hays- Patrick, Robert T., William, William H.

Heffernan- Michael

Hemenway- Silas

Hickey- Alice, Eugene J., James, John, Michael G., Michael P., Patrick, Peter, Samuel, Thomas, Thomas E., William

Hickky- John

Higgins- Patrick

High- Arthur, Frank

Hogue- James

Hosey- James, James F., James J., Patrick J., Paul, Thomas J.

Howe- John

Hoyes- James

Hughs- Owen

Hulton- John S.

Hussey- John, Martin, Michael, Patrick, Peter, William

Irwin- Thomas G.

Kavanagh- Thomas

Kegan- Michael

Kelley- Robert

Kelly- Michael F., Timothy

Kenedy- John

Kennedy- Bernard D.

Kileeney- John

Killey- John

Killian- Michael J.

Lally- William J.

Leddy- John E.

Lenihan- David

Lennon- Owen

Leonard- Thomas J.

Lindsey- John

Lynch- James J., John, Thomas H.

Magee- John

Maguire- John H., John J.

Malaney- S.H.

Maloney- Michael

Manchester- Benjamin

McCabe- Patrick

McClusker- Patrick, Thomas

McCuniff- Michael

McCusker- John, Michael

McDonnald- John

McElroy- William A.

McGana- Peter

McGeough- Lawrence

McGinn- Hugh J., James

McGinty- Owen

McGrath- James, Peter J.

McGuiness- John B.

McGuinness- John B.

McHale- John, Thomas

McKenna- Arthur, George W., Michael, Patrick

McKenney- John

McMahon- Dennis, Frank

McPhillips- James B.

McVay- James P.

Mee- Timothy

Millett- Thos. A.

Moore- Robert

Moran- John

Morrison- Peter

Mott- Allen B.

Mulholland- Patrick H.

Mullen- Daniel F.

Murphy- Cornelius, James, Jeremiah

Murray- Francis, John, Stephen

Murry- Bryan

Nolan- Patrick

Norton- William F.

O'Brien- Francis

O'Keefe- John A.

O'Neill- John J.

O'Regan- John H.

Owler- John M.

Paddleford- Justin

Pilling- William

Ponton- Henry

Posty- Joseph J.

Potter- Arthur M., C.C.

Power- William

Quinlan- Charles

Quinn- Charles, Henry, James, P. Henry

Randall- Chas. H.

Ranrilo- Frank

Reagan- John, John J.

Reilly- William

Rice- John, Thomas J.

Riley- Jefferson

Russel- Adam

Ryan- Patrick

Salsbury- Edwin, M.

Schardt- Joseph

Seruatius- Napoleon

Sessions- Alanson D.

Shanahan- Dennis

Shanley- Wiliam J.

Shea- Bartholomeu

Shepard- Hargreaves

Silloway- Jacob

Studley- Freeman

Sullivan- Daniel E., Jerry, John, Michael, Mortimer D., Patrick

Taylor- Matthew

Tobin- Robert H.

Tracey- Michael

Traynor- James T.

Wales- Jonathan

Walsh- Matthew

Waterhouse- James

Weaver- George A.

Winters- Michael

Wright- Malcolm