Southern New England


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Passenger Lists District of Barnstable, Mass.    

Agin - Catherine, Michael, William

Ain - Mary

Anderson - John

Baird - Samuel

Baits - Thomas

Benis - John

Bigelow - John P.

Brown - [__] M., Mary

Bulger - Edward, James

Callon - John

Cambell - Susan

Carey - Catherine, Easter, Elizabeth, Mary, Michael, Patrick, Thomas

Carney - Michael

Church - Jane, William

Clinton - Eleanor, Eliza, John, Margaret, Noble Mc., William

Coaks - Betsy, Edward, Mage

Cockran - [___]

Cody - James, James Jr., Judy

Colgi - Edward

Conley - Mary, Robert

Creland - George

Culliton - William

Cumming - Hugh, Robert A.

Cummings - Ann

Danhooke - Peter

Daniel - Richd.

Danny - Allan, Dan, John, Timothy, William

Danven - Peter

Dearman - James

Dearry - Timothy

Devin - Mary

Devine - John, Richd.

Doland - James

Donald - Jane

Downing - Doren, Edward, Frances, Sally

Duffie - Daniel, Edward

Ellis - William

Farney - James

Farriet - James

Finly - James

Fitzgerald - Patrick

Flood - William

Fogarty - Thomas

Foresith - James

Furnham - David

Gafney - John, Michael

Galegar - Charles

Gallaghan - Mary

Gallegher - Patrick

Garihon - Catherine, Elizabeth, Michael, Nancy, Patrick

Gay - Robert

Gill - John, Susan

Gillman - Catherine, Margaret, Martin, Mary, Owen

Glancy - Alexander, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Thomas

Gore - John

Goulden - William

Govern - John M.C.

Graham - George, John

Griffin - Mary, William

Gunnison - George

Hagerty - Edward, Eleanor, Rachael

Hale - Richard

Hall - [__] M.

Hand - Elisha

Handlen - Bridget, Patrick

Hanny - Margaret

Hanson - Betsy, Joseph

Harkin - John, Rose

Havlen - Mary, Patrick

Hichal - John

Hind - Mary, Richard, William

Hurlay - James

Ilderehan - Elizabeth, James, John

Irvin - Andrew

Johnson - William

Kearns - Rosanna

Kelly - Alexander, Biddy, Francis, Mary, Patrick, Thomas, Timothy

Kennedy - Michael, Philip

Killam - Austin, Edith, Jacob, Jacob Jr., Leolinda, Leonard, Milletta, Stephen, Susan

Kingston - Jeremiah, Joseph, Margaret, Tomkins

Kuchal - Ann

Lane - Fanny, Mary

Lee - Margaret

Leverty - Edward

Little - William

Log - Alexander

Marson - John

Martin - Ann, Barney, Catherine, Hannah, Hugh, James, John, Nancy, William

McBride - James

McC[urran?] - Francis

McCalleston - Alexr., Alexr. Jr., Jane, John, Margaret, Nancy, Peter, Robert

McCarnan - Michael, Sarah

McCarthen - Francis

McCaver - Sally

McClane - David, Martha

McClasky - Bryan, Edward, Unity

McCleson - Robert

McDermont - Edward

McDonald - Thomas

McGantly - Charles, William

McGaurn - Richard

McGerald - James

McGinny - Sally

McGrath - James

McLane - Robert, Sally

McLanin - Susan

McLennon - Jeremiah

McMan - Barney, Francis, John, Nelly, Patrick

McMoors - Jane, John

McMullin - William

McOuly - Dougald

McReady - John

McSweeny - Edmund

McTolgin - John

Megwire - Hugh

Menon - John

Milligan - David, James, Lilly, Susan, William

Mitchell - Mary

Monhegan - Thomas

Moore - William Charles

Moors - James

Moran - Thomas, Timothy

Mullin - Charles, Daniel

Murphy - Moses, Phillip

Nighland - John

Nott - Eleanor, Frances, Francis, James, Roger, William

Noulden - Andrew

Nugent - Pat

O'Brian - John

O'Brien - John, Margaret

O'Neal - Daniel, Margaret

Patchel - James, Margaret

Patrick - Ann, John, Mary

Pengly - John

Peple - [__], Daniel

Phalen - Phelix

Pierce - John

Pollock - David, Martha, Rebeccah, Robert

Poor - Michael

Poter - Mary

Power - Bridget, Thomas

Powers - James, Michael, William

Prog - James

Purcel - Joseph

Quagly - James

Rardon - Peter O'B.

Rays - Fanny

Rian - William

Riggy - Hugh

Right - Thomas

Riley - Thomas

Rodman - Andrew

Rogers - William

Rotch - Thomas

Rotherford - Andrew, Ann

Roulston - Samuel

Ruark - James

Ryan - Philip

S[___] - Matthew

Shacker - Michael

Shields - Thomas

Simmot - James, Peggy, Thomas

Skully - Margaret

Sterling - Mary

Street - Celia

Sutherland -Robert

Walsh - Andrew

Ward - Simon

Welch - John, Margaret

Whittle - Mary

Williams - Aldeborough

Young - James